International medical missions strengthen the friendship between nations and enhances Taiwan’s reputation in Central and South America
Highlights of NATMA international medical missions:
- Conducted 22 missions over 18 years to countries with formal diplomatic ties to Taiwan in
Central America, South America, and countries in Asia - Consists of a large group able to provide a wide range of services, including all specialties
- Has portable dental equipment and services meeting US military standards
- Worked with the First Ladies’ office and health departments in Central and South American
nations - Held medical seminars at the University of Medical Sciences (Costa Rica), Francisco Marroquin
Medical School (Guatemala), Hospital Infantil Dr. Robert Reid Cabral; Dr. Ney Arias Lora
Orthopedic and Traumatology Hospital (Dominican Republic), Medical School of National
Autonomous University of Honduras (Honduras) - Provided support to local disadvantaged groups along with donations of medical supplies and
educational scholarships for children - News of the medical missions were widely reported in the local media
Established in 1984 by medical graduates from NTU, TMU, KMU, CMU and CSMU living in US,
the North American Taiwanese Medical Association was formed to promote international and intercultural collaborations and assist in further medical and dental education
A Grassroots Organization
Actions to expand Taiwan’s international relationships through health diplomacy
Considering Taiwan’s difficulty participating in international forums such as the UN and WHO, NATMA members formally established their International Volunteer Team in 2003. Their hopes were to help Taiwan regain some of its lost international status through medical diplomacy by providing free medical care to nations in need.
Team flag of NATMA international medical mission
The heart in red, white, and blue represents the love and care of the Taiwanese people in the United States. NATMA members have organized their resources and expertise to spread this love around the world through the “Taiwan Cares” slogan. Using English and Spanish, they focus on the Spanish-speaking countries of Central and South America.
北美洲台灣人醫師協會 (North American Taiwanese Medical Association, 簡稱 NATMA ) 成立
於 1984 年。2003 年成立國際義診團,其原委是鑑於台灣的國際外交空間有限,歷年加入 UN 或
右邊的NATMA會徽代表渺小的我們,隔著太平洋與綠色的台灣母國遙遙相望,紅藍白的心代表來自美國的海外台灣人,義診團希望能把台灣的愛心傳到海外,Taiwan Cares 則以英文及西班牙語並列,因為義診的對象以西語系的中南美洲國家為重點。
從 2003 到今年 2020 年,一共舉辦了國際義診計 22 次,平均一年約一次。2003 到 2013 十年間 11 次的義診都前往中美洲的邦交,包括: Costa Rica, Panama, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Dominican Republic, Belize 等,與台灣的駐外領事館及當地政府的衛福部有關部門密切合作,建立良好的關係。2014 年開始,國際義診的層面更加擴大,開始前往非邦交國的緬甸,柬埔寨義診,邦交國則增加中美洲的 Honduras,甚至遠至南美洲的 Paraquay,2020 年三月前往錫金。